Monday, July 7, 2008

Grotesque Vagaries

Dees fortovchoo lie, vee votched a vonderfall choh ovseefireverks.

May cosine vas dere, ve sat on seabeach and ve tohlkta botey slauff, may ohntay vas dere, ve tohlkta bote may ohn, und vit may ohncle I tohlkta bote may deesahpohnt mant vit ze choses wit faze may een zeespoliticolmacht sheen.

May papah vas dere veesees nows queeze, chee ovakind deespohsee sjohn und braytmand.
Also may mamah vas dere.

Ees stranje sing for may tochave habit ovfind eenso macht of maypar entseen mayselve.

Een I sinktat sohmtaym ees ohnlay day ones vatahr gohnsat canon derstand may. Day vatahr noh mahrsen lohvdans een may mand, dem vatahns fune rollave votched.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Night terrors

Once I could discuss the semantics of horror and terror.

Now, I only wake up in terror from the horror of an uncanny dream where I wonder what other people know about me as I sit topless behind Jon Stewart's desk reporting all the news that's fit to parody on the Daily Show, including the "white stuff" found on Mars, which in all scientific probability is just ice--not a certain substance which would indicate not that there was life on Mars, rather, nightlife on Mars.

So this one is for the Daily Show writers. You are all dead to me now.